
Magzter Coupon Codes December 2024

Updated 12th December 2024

Magzter Discount Code Rating

225 Ratings. Average 4.5 out of 5 stars

Active Magzter South Africa Promo, Discount and Coupon Codes for December 2024

All codes are hand-tested by our team so you get the most up-to-date Magzter valid discount codes.

Terms apply.

  • All (9)
  • Coupons (1)
  • Deals (1)
  • Sales (6)

Use code and get 50% off your order at Magzter.

Did this Magzter discount code work for you?

Shop and get 50% Off Magzter Gold Subscription at Magzter.


Get 50% off a Magzter gold subscription at Magzter.


Purchase and get 50% off magazines and newspapers at Magzter.


Shop and get 60% off 3-year subscription at Magzter.


Shop and get 57% off a 2-year subscription at Magzter.


Shop and get 50% off a 1-year subscription at Magzter.


Get free first 7 days trail at Magzter.


How Do I Use My Magzter Coupon Code?

If you’re looking for a discount on your online purchase at Magzter then you’ve come to the right place. All you have to do is follow the steps below to save money on your next subscription to online magazines, stories, and newspapers. There is always a sale or discount available at Magzter to be redeemed, and it is our job here at Love Coupons to provide you with these amazing discount codes.

Step 1: Choose a coupon code from the ones listed above

Choose the coupon code from above that you’d like to redeem, and it will reveal itself. For example, if you’re looking for 10% off orders at Magzter then find the coupon above, and click on "Get Coupon" to reveal the code.

Step 2: Copy your coupon code

Simply copy the code that is presented to you. You need this code in order to inform Magzter to remove part of the cost of your total order.

Step 3: Click on 'Go to the Magzter site'

After you click, you will be directed to Magzter.

Step 4: Start Shopping!

Find the subscription to online magazines, stories, and newspapers you’d like to purchase at Magzter and add them to your cart.

Step 5: Make your purchase!

When you are ready to buy your items, go to Cart in the top right-hand corner. You can now start to make your purchase by clicking on 'CHECKOUT'. You will need to either sign in or create an account.

Step 6: Enter the code at the Magzter checkout

Now that you have the code copied, simply paste it into the β€œCoupon Code” label at the checkout. Check out the image provided below for an example in case you have any difficulty. If you’re on a computer or laptop, then you will usually find the coupon code box to the left of the checkout page.

How Do I Use My Magzter Coupon Code?

However, if you’re on a mobile then it is just as easy to find the coupon code box you need. It is usually present on the checkout form.

Step 7: Enjoy!

Your discount will be applied and items will arrive in the post in just a few days, happy shopping!

Always note: There are terms and conditions associated with certain codes which you must comply with (like applying a code after meeting a maximum amount of money spent) and you cannot apply a code after submitting your order.

Extra Things You Need To Know About Using Magzter’s Coupon Code

Why is my Magzter Coupon code not working?

There are several reasons why your Magzter code might not be working:

  • The Magzter code you are using might have expired.
  • You might be applying the Magzter code to certain items that do not accept discount codes, like sale items.
  • You have already used this same code when shopping before at Magzter.
  • You have not spent the minimum amount of money. Sometimes in order to apply a Magzter code, you have to spend a certain amount of money, and that might be the reason why the code is not working.
  • You have taken the Magzter code from an international deals site, which probably doesn't apply to Magzter.
If you ever find that one of our Magzter codes here at Love Coupons to be not working, please let us know and we'll make sure to fix the problem!

What Payment Methods Do Magzter Accept?

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover

Do Magzter Offer A Buy Now Pay Later Option?

Based on our research, it appears that Magzter does not offer any buy now, pay later options currently. You can contact Magzter to see if there have been any updates or changes. You can also visit Magzter’s homepage to see if they have posted any updated information about buy now, pay later support.

Magzter Money-Savings Hints & Tips

Here are some great tips & tricks for extra savings at Magzter:

  • Always check Love Coupons for the latest money-saving discount codes and deals at Magzter before you finish your purchase.
  • Be sure to check out any sale, offers or discount sections on the Magzter website to find any promotions or discount offers.
  • Join the Magzter newsletter to get the best offers, money-saving promotions and exclusive deals sent straight to your inbox.
  • Follow Magzter on social media to stay updated with any new arrivals or offers.

Reasons To Shop At Magzter

  • Wide choice of stories and magazines
  • Different subscriptions to choose from
  • Digital books
  • New sales every day
  • Website language options

Categories To Shop At Magzter

  • Business
  • Lifestyle
  • News
  • Entertainment
  • Newspaper
  • Home
  • Fashion
  • Automotive
  • Men's Interest
  • Men's Magazines
  • Celebrity
  • Health
  • Children
  • Women's Interest
  • Education
  • Comics
  • Computer & Mobile
  • Art
  • Sports
  • Travel
  • Technology
  • Photography
  • Science
  • Animals & Pets
  • Architecture
  • Boating & Sailing
  • Bridal
  • Culture
  • Fiction
  • Fishing & Hunting
  • Flying & Aviation
  • Food & Beverage
  • Gardening
  • Hobbies & Craft
  • Investment
  • Journals
  • Military & Defence
  • Music
  • Parenting
  • Politics
  • Property
  • Puzzle & Gaming
  • Religious & Spiritual
  • Wedding
  • Young Adult
extra 1

Advertise With Magzter

Magzter offers anyone an opportunity to advertise their brand or business on its site. Magzter also allows you to choose the budget that you can afford so that everyone can have an equal opportunity to share something that they wish to grow.

extra 1

Magzter Returns and Refunds: What Do I Need To Know?

If you need to organise a return to Magzter, use the guide below

  • In-App purchases are made with iTunes. Refunds may be available by completing the e-mail form available at the iTunes support service. Depending on your country, the e-mail form must be filed within a certain time from receiving the receipt of the In-App Purchase.
  • Magzter has no control over Apple iTunes policies. However, your satisfaction is important to them and in the event, a publication has ceased to be produced, Magzter’s offer a replacement of a similar value.

Magzter FAQs

DoesMagzter sell print copies?

Magzter only sells digital copies and not physical print copies. If you want print copies or print subscriptions, please contact the publisher of your local magazine vendor or bookstore.

How long will it take to download a magazine?

The time of the download depends upon the speed of your internet connection and the size of the magazine you have chosen. Popular magazines are always particular about their quality, and they are hence a bit larger.

How many times can I view the magazines I've purchased?

There are no time limitations once you have purchased a magazine on Magzterand you can read your magazines any number of times only on up to 5 different devices.

Does Magzter offer any student discounts?

Magzter does not offer any student discounts.

How do I redeem Magzter’s Coupon Code?

To redeem Magzter’s Coupon Code all you need to do is scroll up to the list of offers and click on Get Coupon. This will generate a code for you to use as well as take you to Magzter’s website so you can use it immediately.

Is it safe to purchase magazines from Magzter?

The credit card information you enter on Magzter is secure and they provide the best available security for online transactions.

Why do I get billed in US dollars?

All the purchases made through Magzter will be charged only in US dollars due to their payment gateway restrictions. Even though the price is listed in your local currency, once you proceed to checkout, it will automatically convert the local pricing to US dollars.

Unfortunately, there is no way to pay through local currency.

How much will I pay to download Magzter?

Magzter is a free app, you do not have to pay anything to download it; you only have to pay for magazines you buy through it.

Magzter Pros & Cons


  • Secure payments


  • No online chat services

Did you find this helpful? If not, please let us know.

people found this helpful

225 Ratings. Average 4.5 out of 5 stars

Similar brands Like Magzter To Shop At

  • AbeBooks – An online platform with a collection of books provided by thousands of sellers located in more than 50 countries with worldwide shipping.
  • VeryFineBooks – An online book store where it offers the finest quality and latest edition books online.
  • GreatMagazines – A UK dedicated magazine website, offering a variety of different magazine offers such as magazine subscriptions and single-copy issues.

Magzter Contact Details

If you need to get in touch with Magzter about an order, an inquiry, or anything else, there are a number of ways you can do this.

Send an email

You can send an email to, and they will be happy to help.

Contact Form

Contact Magzter via their contact form and they will get back to you asap.

DM on Messenger

You can DM Magzter on mobilemagzter, and you’ll be directed to write your inquiry.

Magzter Opening Hours

Magzter is an online retailer that is open 24/7

What makes Magzter stands above other similar online retailers is their brilliant customer service. They put their customers as a top priority. Their team responds as quickly as possible and through various platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Email. Whatever your inquiry is, Magzter is always there to help you!

Thank you for visiting Love Coupons

Thank you for visiting Love Coupons on your hunt for Magzter coupon and discount codes and other money-saving offers. We hope that one of our 9 Magzter coupons and offers for December 2024 help you save money on your next purchase. When you visit Love Coupons you can rest assured that our team has searched high and low to find all available Magzter deals. This includes checking the Magzter social accounts like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, visiting blogs and forums related to Magzter, and even checking other top deal sites for the latest Magzter coupon codes.

When shopping online for Magzter, it is a good idea to always visit us here at Love Coupons before you finish your order. The Love Coupons team save our visitors thousands of rand every month, many of which never knew Magzter discount codes were available until visiting our site. Now that you know how easy it is to save at Magzter with our promo and coupon codes, bookmark Love Coupons and always check us out before you checkout.

If you are looking for more than just Magzter coupon codes, here at Love Coupons we provide coupons and discounts for thousands of other popular brands and retailers. Check out our Magzter related stores, or visit our homepage to search our database of thousands of coupon codes.

Discover Magzter discount codes

Magzter was founded by global entrepreneurs, Girish Ramdas and Vijay Radhakrishnan in 2011. Magzter has since built itself up to have a local presence in Amsterdam, London, Mexico City, Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi, Bengaluru, Singapore, and it has plans to be expanding to other countries soon.

Magzter is a platform where its users can purchase magazines and newspapers from their devices. Magzter helps magazine and newspaper publishers around the world to create and deliver digital copies of their work to people all over the world. Magzter is available as a website as well as an app on Apple IOS and Android devices. Magzter has the world’s largest all-you-can-read subscription service in the world as well as the largest number of stories available because of its exRead 2.0 feature. Go mobile with Magzter and enjoy your favourite magazines and newspapers, anytime and anywhere.

About Magzter Homepage

What’s even better is that you’ll be able to shop and spend less money if you applied one of the Magzter discount codes we offer at Love Coupons!

About Magzter

Magzter Page Updates

  1. Team Member added an offer
    Free First 7 Days Trail at Magzter
  2. Team Member added a code
    Verified 50% Off Your Order at Magzter
  3. Team Member added an offer
    50% Off Magazines and Newspapers at Magzter
  4. Thandiwe added an offer
    50% Off Magzter Gold Subscription at Magzter
  5. Team Member added an offer
    50% Off Magzter Gold Subscription at Magzter
  6. Thandiwe added an offer
    60% Off 3 Year Subscription at Magzter
  7. Thandiwe added an offer
    57% Off 2 Year Subscription at Magzter
  8. Thandiwe added an offer
    50% Off 1 Year Subscription at Magzter
  9. <strong>Tayla</strong>
    Tayla updated helpful information
    Magzter Contact Details
  10. Love Coupons Writer created helpful information
    How Do I Use My Magzter Coupon Code?
  11. Love Coupons Writer created helpful information
    Extra Things You Need To Know About Using Magzter’s Coupon Code
  12. <strong>Tayla</strong>
    Tayla updated helpful information
    What Payment Methods Do Magzter Accept?
  13. <strong>Tayla</strong>
    Tayla created helpful information
    What Payment Methods Do Magzter Accept?
  14. Love Coupons Writer created helpful information
    Do Magzter Offer A Buy Now Pay Later Option?
  15. Love Coupons Writer created helpful information
    Magzter Money-Savings Hints & Tips
  16. Love Coupons Writer created helpful information
    Reasons To Shop At Magzter
  17. Love Coupons Writer created helpful information
    Categories To Shop At Magzter
  18. Love Coupons Writer created helpful information
    Advertise With Magzter
  19. Love Coupons Writer created helpful information
    Magzter Returns and Refunds: What Do I Need To Know?
  20. Love Coupons Writer created helpful information
    Magzter FAQs
  21. Love Coupons Writer created helpful information
    Magzter Pros & Cons
  22. Love Coupons Writer created helpful information
    Similar brands Like Magzter To Shop At
  23. <strong>Tayla</strong>
    Tayla created helpful information
    Magzter Contact Details
  24. Love Coupons Writer created helpful information
    Magzter Opening Hours
  25. Team Member added an offer
    Sign Up The Newsletter To Get Special Offers & Promotions at Magzter
  26. Love Coupons Writer created helpful information
    Thank you for visiting Love Coupons

Find out more

  • How Do I Use My Magzter Coupon Code?
  • Extra Things You Need To Know About Using Magzter’s Coupon Code
  • What Payment Methods Do Magzter Accept?
  • Do Magzter Offer A Buy Now Pay Later Option?
  • Magzter Money-Savings Hints & Tips
  • Reasons To Shop At Magzter
  • Categories To Shop At Magzter
  • Advertise With Magzter
  • Magzter Returns and Refunds: What Do I Need To Know?
  • Magzter FAQs
  • Magzter Pros & Cons
  • Similar brands Like Magzter To Shop At
  • Magzter Contact Details
  • Magzter Opening Hours
  • Thank you for visiting Love Coupons

Today's Top Magzter Coupon Codes

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πŸ› Number of Sales


πŸ“§ Signup Offers


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How do Love Coupons operate coupons for free?

To ensure we can keep our free service running, we partner with thousands of brands to take a small commission on every purchase driven by Love Coupons.

Our promo codes are entirely free to use, which might seem surprising. By forming commission-based relationships with brands and retailers we generate revenue. This business model allows us to operate without charging our users any fees for the use of our coupon codes.

Find out more about how we keep Love Coupons free to use

How we find Magzter discount codes

When you visit Love Coupons you can rest assured that our team has searched high and low to find all available Magzter promo codes. We find codes by going straight to the source, building close relationships with the very best retailers and negotiating the best deals and exclusive discounts.

We also check a variety of other platforms so you don’t have to such as Magzter social accounts, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, visiting blogs and forums related to Magzter, and even checking other top deal sites for the latest Magzter discount codes. We also discover links via our very helpful community who submit codes to us.

When shopping online at Magzter, it is a good idea to always visit us here at Love Coupons before you finish your order. The Love Coupons team save our visitors thousands of pounds every month. Some users never even knew Magzter discount codes were available until visiting our site. Now that you know how easy it is to save at Magzter with our promo and discount codes, bookmark or favourite Magzter above and always check us out before you checkout.

Discover more about how we find codes

Magzter Information

Disclaimer: Love Coupons is a platform for deals, discounts, and coupons. By using our links, you might save on your purchases. Please be aware that when you use our links and subsequently make a purchase, we may receive a commission.